Parenting, Legal Rights, and CPS Investigations with Dan-Phi Nguyen

In the latest episode of The Attorney Post, Dan-Phi Nguyen, a seasoned attorney, shares his journey through the legal landscape, focusing on his experiences with Child Protective Services (CPS) cases and his transition to private practice. This post explores his career path, the challenges he faces in child protective services, and his professional growth and insights into parenting and child welfare.

Career Path in Law

Dan-Phi Nguyen shares his journey into the legal field, which began after exploring a career in real estate. His involvement in mock trial and moot court during his early years piqued his interest in law. Over time, he developed strong litigation and advocacy skills, which he now applies in his legal practice. This foundation has been instrumental in his success in representing clients in various legal matters.

Challenges in Child Protective Services Cases

One of the significant challenges Dan-Phi discusses is representing the department in child protective services cases. He highlights the delicate balance between protecting parental rights and ensuring the best interests of the child. Dan-Phi raises crucial questions about the critical steps parents need to take to protect their rights when under CPS investigation, emphasizing the need for proactive measures.

Child Protective Services Investigations

Many parents are unaware that CPS can investigate potential abuse or neglect without their knowledge if they do not object. This situation often places children in a difficult position, as they may feel compelled to cooperate with CPS due to their perceived authority. Dan-Phi discusses the potential impact of these investigations on children and strategies to prevent unnecessary removal from their homes. The conversation underscores the importance of balancing parental rights with child welfare.

Career Transition and Professional Growth

After eight years in the county attorney's office, Dan-Phi felt the need for new challenges and growth. This led him to transition into private practice, where he now focuses on family law. His decision to move into private practice reflects his desire to expand his professional horizons and tackle new legal challenges.

CPS Investigations and Parental Mistakes

Dan-Phi advises parents to be cautious during CPS investigations, emphasizing that CPS is not necessarily their ally. He highlights the importance of understanding one's rights and being wary of self-incrimination. This advice is particularly pertinent for parents who may face CPS referrals due to accidental child injuries.

Parenting and Child Welfare

The episode delves into Dan-Phi's personal experiences with parenting, contrasting his upbringing with that of his daughter. He reflects on different parenting approaches and their outcomes, offering a nuanced perspective on child welfare. His insights emphasize the need for careful handling of CPS interviews and the importance of understanding one's rights.

Child Injury and CPS Involvement

Parents often worry about CPS involvement following a child's injury, even if the injury was accidental. Dan-Phi underscores the importance of consulting an attorney and fully understanding one's rights when dealing with CPS. This approach helps parents avoid self-incrimination and navigate the complexities of CPS investigations effectively.

Challenges Faced by CPS Investigators

Dan-Phi expresses sympathy for CPS investigators who often face significant challenges. These investigators are frequently controlled by superiors and have limited say in decisions regarding child removals or other actions. This lack of autonomy can lead to frustrations and challenges in carrying out their duties effectively.

Legal Services and Career Advice

The episode also touches on various legal services related to family law, child custody, conservatorship, divorce, and mediation. Dan-Phi shares career advice, emphasizing the importance of not staying too comfortable in one place for too long. He advocates for taking risks and seeking new challenges to grow professionally. Additionally, he expresses concerns about CPS losing sight of its primary goal, leading to broken families. He calls for more thoughtful approaches in child welfare to ensure the system serves its intended purpose effectively.


Dan-Phi Nguyen's appearance on The Attorney Post provides a comprehensive look into the complexities of legal practice, particularly in the realm of child protective services. His insights into the CARES Act, the challenges of CPS investigations, and the importance of professional growth offer valuable lessons for both seasoned attorneys and aspiring lawyers. His dedication to justice, empathy for clients, and resilience in facing challenges make him a standout figure in the legal community.


The Law Office of Dan-Phi V. Nguyen, PLLC
411 Fannin Street
Suite 250
Houston, TX 77002

Online at: The Law Office of Dan-Phi V. Nguyen, PLLC


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