Ann Arbor DUI Attorney Stacey M. Washington Shares 5 Tips When You're Stopped For A DWI

Ann Arbor DUI DWI AttorneyMeet Ann Arbor Attorney Stacey M. Washington, a Criminal Law Attorney who specializes in DUI/DWI law.  Stacy shares with us in this video 5 tips to bear in mind if you're ever stopped by the police for a suspected DUI or DWI.

Do you have to take a field sobriety test?

Do you have to blow into the breathalyzer the officer has with him?

Do you have to blow into the one at the station?

These questions and more are answered in the video, so be sure to check it out.

If you have been arrested for DWI and you need legal help in the Ann Arbor area, contact Stacey M. Washington at:

Stacey M. Washington, Attorney and Counselor
214 South Main Street, Suite 207
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Phone: 734-274-6567
Toll Free: 888-769-0091
Fax: 734-929-9731

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